Club Membership
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How to Join
Membership is easy. Reabold Tennis Club offers a number of ways to the join the club.
If you would like to join online the club uses ClubSpark online registration for new members or to renew existing members.
Once you have registered an automatic invoice will be emailed to you with directions on how to pay. Make sure you check your junk mail too.
You can also join by filling in the RTC Membership Renewal and Application form and making payment via cash or cheque at the club or by direct deposit.
RTC Bank Account details:
BSB: 126 577 Account Number: 2343 7071
Account Name: Reabold Tennis Club
All membership fees include GST, Tennis West Affiliation Fees, Levies and Insurance. If you are joining after the 1st Feb 2024 a reduced fee will apply.
RTC Membership Renewal and Application Form 2023-24